Week 7:


In Class
Moving Pictures:
Download This:

and will make like look like this:

or this:


how this was done (video)


Your Tutorials


1) During the secon part of the semester you wil be running a tutorial, and showing the class something interestin that you know. The information is here.

2) You will be doing a series of artwork. The Information is here.

Come in next week with an idea for your series

Homework: Part 1:

Element 1: Tutorials: cinemagraphs moving pictures
Element 2: Eadweard Muybridge a couple of fun videos (get out the popcorn)
Muybridge life
Muybridge work
Element 3: moving picture Gif
Element 4: what is real?


Look up Muybridge - what was he doing and why- what pictures of his do you like?

Do tutorial.Save as Tutorial 7.

do your own work an animated gif- remember movement is small!
save in your folder. Save as Final 7