Institute for Musical Arts


2. What is your Purpose for the site?  (It can be more than one)

            Information yes, about our history and intent,  programming, facilities, volunteer opportunites etc.

Funding yes, donations and for potential donors to see the breadth/depth of what we are doing.

Community awareness yes, we use the website for promotion.  Web promo and links are used on Facebook in particular

We also sell concert tickets through the site


3. Please find 4 webs sites (URLS) that you like. These sites do not have to be about the same thing as your site, you are using them as design ideas.
This is one page of the Parlor Room/Signature Sounds website.  We are interested in being able to embed some of the music from our studio recording program.  I like what they did with this page in particular.

Which is the homepage of the full site, that there are options for liking and sharing events.
Way cool feature.

I like the look of this site.  The big photos, the quotes, the font.

I like the layout of this—the menu big and on the side—looks great on the computer; though I had trouble figuring out how to navigate it on my phone.

Describe why you like them- 

Ex:       Color Palette  

            Placement of items on the page

            Purpose of the site


4. Describe the layout of your site. 
Think about what is the most important? What is the optimum order of your links?

The way it is currently laid out is fine.  The biggest issue with the site is that I couldn’t do drop down menus in the program, so it gets funky.  Also the pages should all have a similar feel.   

5. Where is the data for these pages? Do you want to update it? 
Or should we start with what is currently on the pages?  Start with what is there.  I might pull some of the videos and we could possibly do a page for videos and listening.

6. Who is going to input missing data?  Probably me

Are they willing to be the liaison to Springfield? yes

Will they pick up and respond to e-mail daily?


7. What kind of pictures are you interested in using? only photos that have been taken here
 Do you have photographs? yes

Have the models signed off? yes