For Feb 4-6

Speakers Feb 4 Upper Hill and Church

These speakers will be comming in on Tuesday. Hopefully before they arrive I will be able to share what they need. They are a perfect example of how non-profits can be difficult to tie down.

Nico will be the lead on the church
Anthony on the Upper Hill

Speakers Feb 6 YMCA

Erin and Ben will be coming and talking about the DIG the Nadia will be doing, and what they are looking for in website develoment from colin

Homework this week Due the 6th

Play with your wordpress sites. By Thursday you should have at least two pages with well fitting images and descriptions. That is a least a front page- one other page and one post that makes sense.

Please make sense in whatever wordpress site you are building- I will be looking at them on the 6th.


looking forward to homework for Feb 11

You will be mind mapping your project to bring in class. Of course Nadia and Lexies will look different than the web.

What do I mean by mind mapping? here are two vidoes ( watch both in this order)

Concept mapping ( general)

Website mapping (ruth)