at your Final Dec 21 12:30

We will be reviewing your final work for this class-

You will be putting it on the Desktop in a folder- with your name on each piece.

What an I looking for?

A excellent visually and fully functioning website, resume, and creative resume
Linked in Profile up
Mock interview with Career services
Excellent Final artwork all completed and printed
Internship gotten and paperwork in to Anne
artwork in on time and good attendance

B good visually and fully functioning website, resume, and creative resume
Linked in Profile up
Mock interview with Career services
Good Final artwork all completed
Internship underway
artwork in on time and good attendance

C OK website, resume, and creative resume
no linkedin profile
Mock interview with Career services
Final artwork not completed
attendance problems

D website done late, resume so so, and creative resume late
No interview with Career services or late
Final artwork not completed
attendance problems

F one of these missing.
Website,resume, or artwork.
and attendance problems.

how Attendance works.... Remember?

1. Attendance
will be counted from the reading of the class roster. If you are not there on time, but come in late you will be docked ½ a class. DO NOT LEAVE CLASS, if I am late. I WILL BE HERE, unless a message is given to you, I will arrive, I will take attendance. Be there! 1absences are allowable, 2affect the grade (A to A- to B to B- to C to C-) These absences can be days on the sick list, away games, teacher conferences, knee surgery, consequently do not use your absences to sleep in. If a message is given that I will not be here, please check your email and the class web page for assignments. If there is a snowstorm, Mud storm or Landslide, I will have a message put on the lab door and on my voice mail that I will not be here. If the school is closed (Ex5999) I will not be here.
2. Participation
Students will be expected to ask questions during computer graphic demonstration. They will participate in group critique of other students. Part of their evaluation will be the quality of their critique and their attentiveness during class.
3. Projects
Projects are due on class date at the beginning of class. If the class is missed that the project is given, the student is expected to get the information from another student. Projects are lower one grade point (A to A- to B to B- to C to C-) each class that it is late. This information is also on my faculty home page, so there is no excuse for work not done.